the gods have turned to science, not silence. how our habits evolve humanity
october 31, 2023in the modern world, there is an obvious lack of a common vivid belief of the great forces of gods, omens, tales and whatnot. mysticism and magic have quietly disappeared in proportion to scientific advancement. but what is science really, if not theories measuring the gods? you see, man once believed that the gods ruled over him so much so that he was not independent from them. they determined his entire life, how he behaved and how he felt, what things happened to him were up to the gods. he assumed his moods, desires, dreams, impulses, etc came from the gods and he was not the one responsible for them. therefore he turned to prayer and worship as the cure to his ailments. as time progressed, we decided that it wasn’t the gods controlling us, it was instead ourselves who master our minds. we turned ourselves into the gods by changing their names into scientific/psychological discoveries, such as brainwaves and schizophrenia. we turned prayer and worship into pills and medicine to cure the same ailments (much more effectively i might add). these terminologies that exist today might better explain the mind and how we have come to evolve, but at their core, the meanings have not changed. it is the same essences that live on in our unconscious as those that lived years ago consciously building these patterns of thought and behavior.we have replaced the god(s) of war and anger with the term “anger issues” (this is not the right term but i am not sure what else to call it in this moment). omens = symptoms, gods = mental disorders / moods / feelings / neurological patterns. we’ve replaced aphrodite and her power over love and sex with oxytocin and birth control. oxytocin and aphrodite, are they not the same causes of the same effects under different names? evolution means functions such as walking and driving cars have become such habit that we are no longer consciously thinking of them as we do them. they have entered the unconscious, the hard drive in which all human functions and memory, habits, traumas, and history lives. now these are so ingrained into our being that we can progress to new thoughts and actions, things such as building spaceships, skydiving, writing code, learning how to make viral videos, combining cuisines into new fusion recipes, changing gender, exploring our own selfs via making love to the same sex. soon things such as knowing how to google the right question will be second nature, if not already. kids today will evolve the mind to include the internet inside the subconscious. i have already. camera angles and composition are not conscious thoughts when i take a photo, more like a feeling, something i don’t have to actively consider. same with driving, with posing for pictures, with bringing my phone everywhere as if it were attached to my body.
the thing about habits is that you do not use them, they use you. the universe is wise in this way, in that it uses you like its instrument to keep playing its song, strumming habits to create melodies. habits use you like a parasite dependent upon a host. unless you kill a habit, it will continue to live on even after you die. it will live in whomever you have transmitted it to. it may not be you directly transmitting the habit, it is likely to be a commonality between the people in the area of the world you’re in that continues past their lives and into their children, their friends, anyone who has spent significant time around them. your habits will eventually match those of your closest friends, correct? so this is how we form the future, our little trick to evolving. habits die hard, meaning they are hard to kill. not that all habits are meant to be killed, not all habits are bad. habits are necessary for evolutionary survival and development. it is a matter of which habits we choose to keep and which to kill that will determine the future of humanity. my father has a habit of baring his teeth into a crude smile while he is focusing hard on some type of grunt work, pulling the weeds or something physically demanding of the sort. i’ve noticed i do the same. what is habit for him was an unconscious action for me, which i only realized once i noticed his habit of doing so. then i was able to see that i too, let this habit live as if it were a living programmed part of me, as if it were like breathing. my habit of overworking, will that show up in my children as a feeling of constant restlessness? will my habitual under eating cause my children to eat less naturally, or will it cause them to feel a sense of never being satisfied, always a bit hungry still, always feeling a sense of urgency about food? will my almost involuntary phone-checking feel like a missing organ, a pinging desire to grasp something outside of themselves to fulfill that unconscious action? lifelong habits, how will they manifest in my children as adapted versions of my unconscious? my conscious habits will become their unconscious programming. do you get the game?